Die Suche ergab 5 Treffer

von japie
Fr 1. Jul 2016, 20:10
Forum: Neuigkeiten, Anregungen, Lob, Kritik
Thema: downloading pictures
Antworten: 1
Zugriffe: 2875

downloading pictures

I'm trying to download pictures to an add I made, but I get a remark that the picture, a standard jpg, may not be more then 0-768 wide and 0-0 pixels high.
In the FAQ I'm being adviced to get in touch with the Forum Administrator. But where do I find the man?
von japie
Do 9. Jun 2011, 22:16
Forum: Segel
Thema: hooks on the boom
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 3795

Re: hooks on the boom

Hallo Klaus,

Thanks a lot.
Will order the parts as soon as possible.

von japie
So 5. Jun 2011, 17:44
Forum: Segel
Thema: hooks on the boom
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 3795

hooks on the boom

Hallo, 2 of the small plastic reefhooks on the side of the boom have been broken. Is there a place where I can buy these little things? Also missing on the boom near the mast is the hook for the reefeye in the sail. In the Varianta handbook it says there should be one, but not on my boat. Is this ma...
von japie
So 27. Mär 2011, 22:47
Forum: Beschläge
Thema: centreboard pendant
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 5249

Re: centreboard pendant

Thanks a lot, all of you. It appears that the two flanges on the top of the centreboard are missing. So when you drop the board, the pendant isn't kept in place and slips of. Also the hole for the bolt to connect the pendant to the centreboard is about half a metre further down than it should be. So...
von japie
Di 22. Mär 2011, 23:43
Forum: Beschläge
Thema: centreboard pendant
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 5249

centreboard pendant

Hallo, I'm Dutch, can understand German, but can't wright it. Since a year I have a Varianta, and I have a problem with the centre board. The first time I lowered it, it got stuck. When taking the boat out of the water this winter, it proved that the pendant was sandwiched between the centreboard an...